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Writer's pictureRhonda Smyth

Are you an aged care provider delivering specialised services?

You can no longer nominate on My Aged Care that your service specialises in care for diverse groups.

The availability of community-specific care is a key differentiator for people looking for aged care services. With over 4.2 million visits to the My Aged Care website during 2020-21*, the My Aged Care Find a Provider tool plays an important role in supporting My Aged Care contact centre staff and potential clients with information on what makes an aged care service unique.

The My Aged Care Find a Provider profile of approximately 50% of residential aged care Homes includes one or more specialist services for people with diverse experiences or backgrounds.**

The Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety recommended provider specialisation claims are reviewed to improve the reliability of the information in the My Aged Care Find a Provider tool. As a result of the recommendation, providers must now apply to verify specialisation claims via an independent assessor to have these services published on the My Aged Care website.

Applications are now open for aged care providers who deliver specific services to apply for specialisation verification. Applications can be made using the My Aged Care Provider Specialisation Verification Framework. The Framework lists the evidence required to meet the requirements for each specialised service.

The first verified specialisations will be published in My Aged Care profiles from October 2022 and will be visually different to unverified claims. Existing, unverified specialisation claims will be removed from My Aged Care profiles in early 2023.

More details and information on how to apply are available here.

We understand providers are under pressure managing COVID outbreaks and business as usual priorities. If you are under-resourced and need assistance we can help you prepare your application. Please don’t hesitate to contact us at

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* 2020–21 Report on the Operation of the Aged Care Act 1997, © Commonwealth of Australia (Department of Health) 2021

** Aged Care Service Information, Department of Health, 1 June 2022


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